Search Engine Optimisation

Dive into the fascinating world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and discover how to enhance your online presence. Our SEO category is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and effective keyword strategies. Stay informed about the latest algorithm updates and SEO best practices to ensure your website stands out in search results.

Simple WordPress website on computer screen.

8 Tips to Set Up an SEO-Friendly WordPress Website Design

Australian business owners need to find a way to make their offerings and brand stand out in a crowded digital space. WordPress has become a popular platform to help achieve that, with literally millions of organisations of all sizes leveraging the host of user-friendly features available to get started online. If you are a growing business and itching to get a website that looks not only aesthetically pleasing but also ranks high on search engines, our experts at Digital Eagles have compiled some tips on how to develop and design an SEO-friendly WordPress website, which greatly affects your business visibility and customer engagement

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Image of Shopify on a laptop, sitting on a desk.

How to Improve Your SEO on Shopify: Advanced Tips

If you’re running an e-commerce business on Shopify in Australia, you know all too well that staying on top of SEO can feel like a never-ending battle for your business’s success. Fortunately, you can introduce several advanced techniques to your site to leverage and optimise your Shopify SEO, increasing your visibility and driving more traffic to your store. Just know that taking your Shopify SEO to the next level isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about understanding and implementing strategies that provide lasting benefits for your online business. In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles reveal some effective Shopify SEO tips that

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How SEO can help businesses increase traffic to their website and boost their online presence.

What is SEO & How Does it Work for Business?

The internet has become saturated with countless websites in every industry and niche, all clamouring for attention. Looking for ways to help your business stand out in the vast ocean of online content? Then you need to refine all the elements on your website to climb to the top of search engines. This is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes into play – a comprehensive campaign set to enhance online visibility and drive business growth. But what does SEO mean, and how does it work to propel your business forward online? Below, our team at Digital Eagles delve into the intricacies

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Team choosing between different SEO agencies for their business website.

How To Choose An SEO Agency

In the digital era, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has emerged as a linchpin in shaping the online visibility of businesses. However, with the plethora of SEO agencies out there, selecting the right one can feel like navigating a labyrinth. This blog aims to demystify the process, providing you with a clear path to finding an SEO agency that aligns with your business needs. Understanding Your SEO Needs Identifying Your Business Goals Before diving into the sea of SEO agencies, it’s crucial to anchor yourself with clear business goals. Are you looking to enhance your website’s traffic, improve search rankings, or drive

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Content marketing concept. Business, Technology, Internet and network concept.

Five Key SEO Trends To Shape Your 2024 SEO Content Marketing

Search engine optimisation (SEO) has always been a moving target. The algorithms that sit behind the search engines and determine which websites are best to place on results pages are constantly changing. As such, marketers and business owners must maintain diligent analysis and calibration to hit the target consistently.  While some aspects of SEO have remained relatively consistent over the past few years, some parts of the equation have evolved dramatically, with the focus leaning more towards a content- and user-experience-driven landscape.  Now, more than ever, usability and SEO strategies are becoming tightly integrated to drive relevant search engine traffic. In this article,

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Group of Business People Working in the Office Concept

The Evolution of Google and SEO for Business – A Quick Guide

For many, the mere mention of “SEO” conjures thoughts of keyword strategy and rankings. At its core lies an intricate dance between websites and search engines, always changing as customer needs evolve, with Google leading the ensemble.  Today, our specialists at Digital Eagles will journey through the remarkable evolution of Google, explore why mastering SEO is an essential tool in your marketing arsenal, and offer some key SEO tips for your small business. The Dawn of Google & Business Search Engine Optimisation In the late 1990s, the birth of Google revolutionised how we access information. With this groundbreaking shift, businesses had

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SEO Search Engine Optimization, concept for promoting ranking traffic on website, optimizing your website to rank in search engines or SEO.

7 SEO Tactics to Improve Your Business Website’s Visibility

Digital marketing has become more competitive than ever before. Search engine optimisation (SEO) has long been a favorite for modern businesses to place their content before potential customers, but after a slew of algorithm updates, new strategies are needed to stay on top.  In this piece, our specialists at Digital Eagles explore a selection of SEO tactics to improve your site’s visibility, including writing metatext content, backlink building, keyword research, and more. The Need for Effective SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Modern businesses are vying for that coveted top spot on search engine results. But is that still worthwhile moving into and

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Team of business people discussing digital marketing metrics report and return on investment strategy for advertisement campaign

How to get started with Advanced Keyword Research

Advanced keyword research is more complex than ever, influenced by changing algorithms, increasing competition, and social media’s impact on search trends. The challenge extends beyond selecting the right keywords; it’s about targeting the correct category that aligns with your audience’s intent. Misunderstanding this can significantly impact your site’s conversion rates. Effective keyword research isn’t just about dominating search terms. It’s about understanding the broader context, including local searches, long-tail queries, and the nuances of digital behavior. This guide will focus on navigating these complexities and refining your approach to align better with your audience’s needs, ultimately enhancing your website’s traffic and

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The Ultimate Guide to Backlink Building Using Google Alerts

The importance of securing a prime position on search engine results pages cannot be overstated. With every step closer to the top, your website stands to gain an exponential increase in traffic. In today’s digital landscape, a comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign forms a vital component of any effective marketing strategy. A significant portion of this campaign revolves around the art of building a robust backlink profile. For those in search of practical guidance on enhancing their website’s search engine performance through effective link building, the Google Alerts function offers a valuable resource. What is Link Building? Before diving into

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What Are Google’s People Also Ask Boxes and How to Use Them to Improve SEO

As the world’s leading search engine, Google has long outlined its commitment to providing its users with a seamless, end-to-end service. Constant algorithm updates and the introduction of new features have been in aid of this, transforming what was a rudimentary search tool in the early days of release into an unbelievably powerful and fully integrated part of our lives, offering answers and solutions to questions we didn’t even know we had.  One such feature is the ‘People Also Ask’ section on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). You’ve certainly seen them, but are you optimising your website and content to

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