Search Engine Optimisation

Dive into the fascinating world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and discover how to enhance your online presence. Our SEO category is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and effective keyword strategies. Stay informed about the latest algorithm updates and SEO best practices to ensure your website stands out in search results.

Voice search optimisation thumbnail for blog post

How To Optimise For Voice Search

In recent times, numerous alarming articles have surfaced, suggesting that voice search could signal the end of traditional SEO. These articles speculate a drastic decline in organic traffic and question the future reliability of SEO. Contrary to these reactionary views, I approach this topic with optimism. After delving into the subject, it’s clear that voice search isn’t a threat to SEO but rather an opportunity to refine and enhance our existing strategies to align with evolving technological trends. The digital landscape is inherently dynamic, constantly evolving to offer new and exciting prospects. Embracing the advancements in voice technology is crucial, rather

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Search Snippets: Updating Your Content to Improve Your Click-Through Rate

Google has been showing dates inside selected search snippets for certain search queries for years. Have you ever wondered how that could influence your search traffic and what you can do about that? Dates in Google Search Google claims to be showing dates in search when it is essential to a searcher, based on the search query  they are using. In reality, if you are searching Google regularly, you’d notice that dates are extremely common: Bing also has dates in search, albeit they are somehow less noticeable in Bing’s layout: How Can Dates Impact Your Click-Through? With Google search engine result

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Shopify website audit

The Ultimate Guide To Conducting A Shopify SEO Audit

Shopify is an excellent platform for new store owners, offering robust features and efficient SEO capabilities. While site speed, HTTPS enablement, and organized backend structures through Collections and Pages are inherent strengths, there’s always room for further optimization. In this guide, I’ll go into depth on completing a Shopify SEO Audit and harnessing these strengths to maximize your store’s online visibility and success. On-Site Optimization Techniques The cornerstone of effective SEO is on-site optimization. This involves enhancing your website’s structure, content, and on-page elements like titles and meta descriptions to ensure search engines can easily interpret and rank your site. Pay

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How to Optimize Your Website Both for SEO and Conversions

The strategic implementation of landing pages is crucial for the success of any digital project or marketing initiative. As an advocate for the efficacy of meticulously designed landing pages, I consistently integrate them into new ventures and client-specific promotions. Their role as pivotal elements in email marketing and social media campaigns is indisputable and has consistently yielded positive outcomes. However, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges associated with augmenting organic traffic and rankings for landing pages. Unlike blogs, landing pages inherently lack the capacity for natural link acquisition. Additionally, the necessity to maintain concise content to avoid detracting from the primary

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Youtube logo on a digital screen

YouTube Video SEO: How To Optimise Your YouTube Videos

In the world of marketing, video has become the greatest tool in a brand’s toolbox. Why? People are very visual and tend to pay closer attention to information that stimulates that portion of the brain. So much so, that Wirebuzz estimates that viewers retain up to 95% of video content, versus approximately 10% of other content. And according to most online sources, video made up for a full 80% of internet traffic in 2023. In this article, we’ll explain how you can optimise your videos for search engines, so you can take advantage of the trend in video content. Why Youtube

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7 Advanced SEO Techniques For Boosting Your Rankings

While simple tweaks are a good start, diving deeper into the more complex and nuanced strategies can be a game-changer. This guide is designed for those who are ready to take their SEO knowledge to the next level. Here, we reveal advanced SEO techniques usually reserved for the professionals. Whether you’re looking to refine your existing strategy or explore new horizons in SEO, these insights will guide you on your journey to SEO mastery. Our Top Advanced SEO Techniques For Your Website 1. Competitive Content Analysis In the realm of SEO, knowledge of your competitors’ strategies can be a goldmine of

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How to Optimise Your Site for Google’s Featured Snippets

Search engine optimisation is always on our minds these days. It is just so much harder in recent years to stand out, with so many websites and of such high quality, many of them thanks to tools that have been created to allow even the most tech backwards among us make a high authority site. What is even harder to battle are the sites that gain authority through mercenary tactics, leaving those of us building a reputation honestly fighting in the dust even as their sites are demonetised or penalised, only to have them open another and do it all again.

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Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates: How to Stay Safe

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Google’s algorithm updates continually reshape brands’ online visibility. Recent Broad Core Algorithm Updates have significantly influenced search rankings, impacting businesses across various sectors. This guide delves into these updates, offering insights for maintaining and enhancing your website’s Google ranking. Core Updates Vs. The Likes Of Panda, Penguin, and Pigeon Unlike specific updates, such as Panda, Penguin, and Pigeon. Google’s core updates are not designed to target spammy tactics or penalize certain domains. Instead, they refine the algorithm’s overall functioning, affecting how Google assesses and ranks web pages. These updates, though not punitive, can still

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Accelerated Mobile Pages Blog Image

How and why does AMP affect SEO?

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, numerous factors determine your website’s ranking. From timeless techniques like link-building to innovative practices emerging with technological advancements, SEO is always on the move. This brings us to the significance of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in today’s mobile-first world. What is AMP? AMP is an open-source HTML framework designed to create fast-loading, mobile-optimized web pages. Unlike standard mobile versions of desktop sites, AMP is engineered specifically for mobile devices, stripping away unnecessary coding and focusing on speed and user-friendliness. Why Does AMP Matter? With mobile web browsing surpassing desktop browsing back in 2016, the shift

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top local ranking factors blog image

Most Important Local SEO Ranking Factors

In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, local SEO remains a pivotal element for businesses seeking online prominence. As we delve into the intricacies of local SEO, drawing from extensive research and industry observations, the goal is to offer a comprehensive guide for businesses to thrive in local search rankings. Key Ranking Factors for Local SEO Based on Moz’s insightful 2017 study, several key factors play a crucial role in local SEO: Improving your local rankings Listing Management: Optimizing for Local Visibility In the digital era, the accuracy and consistency of your online listings are paramount. Listing management involves ensuring that

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