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Search Engine Optimisation

Dive into the fascinating world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and discover how to enhance your online presence. Our SEO category is your gateway to unlocking the secrets of higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and effective keyword strategies. Stay informed about the latest algorithm updates and SEO best practices to ensure your website stands out in search results.

Shopify vs WordPress: Which is Better for Your SEO?

E-commerce stores live in the online realm, and search engines are one of the most popular methods for brands to introduce their products to potential customers. As such, finding ways to boost your Google search rankings will prove imperative to sustain strong, rewarding awareness and sales growth. The foundation of a powerful SEO strategy begins with selecting the right eCommerce platform. The choice often boils down to two leading contenders: WordPress and Shopify. In this comprehensive analysis, our experts at Digital Eagles will explore WordPress vs Shopify regarding search engine optimisation, equipping you with the insights needed to select the platform

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A miniature shopping cart with a red handle holding a wooden block featuring a magnifying glass icon. The cart is placed on a wooden surface in front of a blurred laptop screen, indicating an online shopping or e-commerce concept.

Does Changing Your Shopify Theme Affect SEO? Insights and Best Practices

Changing your Shopify theme can be an exciting way to refresh your online store’s look and feel. Given its direct impact on your SEO performance, however, you will first need to consider how this change might affect your rankings on search engines. These channels are responsible for driving organic traffic to your store, which can lead to increased sales and growth for your business. Maintaining a strong SEO presence in Australia, where the e-commerce market is highly competitive, will be vital for prolonged longevity and success. To help you prepare for the switch in themes, our experts at Digital Eagles delve

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Image showing a person in a suit holding a tablet with the words 'SEO MISTAKE' displayed prominently on the screen. The background is green, and there are several floating icons of floppy disks, symbolizing data storage or saving, around the tablet.

Common WordPress SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Search engines remain a dominant method for finding answers to our queries. As such, building an online presence for your business in Australia, particularly one that will rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs), is a must. WordPress is a popular choice for many due to its flexibility, user-friendly interface, powerful features, and affordable pricing tiers. And yet, even the best platform can’t save you from common SEO mistakes. To help you avoid any bumps in the road during your online development, our experts at Digital Eagles have compiled some of the top WordPress SEO mistakes and how to avoid

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Laptop displaying the Shopify logo on its screen. The logo consists of a green shopping bag with a white 'S' on it, followed by the word 'shopify' in black text. The background of the image is blurred, suggesting an indoor setting.

Shopify Product Page SEO: Optimising Your Pages & Domain for Maximum Visibility

Regardless of your industry, today’s e-commerce landscape has become far too competitive to neglect optimising your store’s online presence. A well-optimised Shopify product page will help you gain maximum website visibility and drive traffic to your site, easily piercing new markets, demographics, and geographic areas. With more businesses entering the online space, ensuring your product pages stand out in search engine results is more important than ever. In this guide, our experts at Digital Eagles will walk you through some essential steps to optimise your Shopify product pages for SEO, helping you attract more customers and boost your sales. How to

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Image featuring the WordPress logo on the left, styled in orange, and a graphic to the right with the text 'SEO Search Engine Optimization' in bold orange and black lettering, placed on a light gray background with various internet-related icons.

5 Best WordPress Themes for SEO Optimisation

Is it time to build an online presence for your business? Have you already got a website up and running, but cannot find your links on any search engine results pages (SERPs)? You might not be aware that selecting the right WordPress theme is going to be a highly influential factor in SEO success, dictating how many potential customers either find your business or your competitors. The right theme can significantly improve your site’s speed, usability, security and overall performance in search engine rankings. In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles will guide you through the 5 best WordPress themes

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5 Reasons Why You Should be Optimising For Voice Search in Your SEO Strategy

The digital age is advancing. Optimising your SEO strategy for voice search is not just an enhancement; it’s a necessity. With the increasing popularity of virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, voice search is changing how users interact with search engines. From finding local businesses to answering quick queries, voice commands are becoming a common method for online searches. The shift presents a unique opportunity to refine your SEO approach and capture a new segment of search traffic. In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles explore five compelling reasons why voice search is a key point of modern,

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The Role of Social Media in SEO: Building a Strong Relationship

While social media isn’t considered a direct factor in ranking algorithms, any digital marketer would admit that its utility in enhancing SEO efforts cannot be understated. In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles will explore how SEO and social media marketing services can work together to build strong relationships and increase your exposure online. Social Profiles Can Rank for Search Terms Beyond your website, your social profiles themselves can rank in search results, offering additional real estate in search engines when people search for your brand. Having these extra spots in search engine results pages not only broaden your digital

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WordPress Plugins written on a notepad.

5 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress Success

Are you looking to optimise your WordPress site for maximum online reach & success? No doubt, you’ve heard the phrase “SEO” thrown around in certain marketing circles and forums. You might have brushed it off, considering it to be just a buzzword, but it’s actually a powerful tool for you to tap into, propelling your online visibility and skyrocketing your business growth. Navigating the vast world of search engine optimisation (SEO) may seem daunting, but luckily, some SEO plugin options for WordPress sites can make things easier. In this article, our specialists at Digital Eagles break it down for you and guide

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Shopify store digtal marketing planning.

Hiring a Shopify SEO Expert: What You Need to Know

If you’re running a Shopify eCommerce store in Australia and looking to boost your online visibility, it can often pay dividends to get a little professional help. When you hire an experienced Shopify SEO expert in Australia, you will unlock your store’s full potential, drawing in more traffic, and, ultimately, driving sales. But where do you start? Our specialists at Digital Eagles have compiled a list of everything you need to know to find and hire the best Shopify SEO expert suited to your online business needs. Why Should You Prioritise Shopify SEO for Your Australian E-commerce Store? Imagine your e-commerce store as

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An image showing Google's Core Update spelt out using blocks on a table.

Google’s March 2024 Algorithm Update: What we know so far

Have you heard the buzz about Google’s latest update for March 2024? Well, if not, you’re in the right place because this update is a big deal for anyone who wants their website to shine in Google’s search results. Google has just announced a major core update along with some new rules to fight spam, and it’s all about making the internet a better place for users like you and me. In a nutshell, Google wants to make sure that when someone searches for something, they get results that are actually helpful and not just pages filled with clickbait or low-quality

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