How to Improve Your SEO on Shopify: Advanced Tips

Image of Shopify on a laptop, sitting on a desk.
Image of Shopify on a laptop, sitting on a desk.
Image of Shopify on a laptop, sitting on a desk.

If you’re running an e-commerce business on Shopify in Australia, you know all too well that staying on top of SEO can feel like a never-ending battle for your business’s success.

Fortunately, you can introduce several advanced techniques to your site to leverage and optimise your Shopify SEO, increasing your visibility and driving more traffic to your store.

Just know that taking your Shopify SEO to the next level isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about understanding and implementing strategies that provide lasting benefits for your online business.

In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles reveal some effective Shopify SEO tips that empower you to enhance your online presence. So grab a cuppa, get settled, and let’s dive in. 

Shopify SEO Tips #1: Optimise Your Shopify Site Structure

The structure of your Shopify store has a lot more influence on SEO than you might think. It significantly affects your website’s usability and crawlability, both primary factors in SEO. 

Let’s zero in on how you can optimise your Shopify site structure to increase your SEO position further.

1. Simplified Navigation

A well-defined, easy-to-follow navigational structure is a must for both user experience and search engines. While users appreciate a streamlined shopping experience, search engines appreciate the straightforward crawlability. Keep your categories and subcategories precise, and ensure they are logically organised. 

2. Use Breadcrumb Navigation

Implementing breadcrumb navigation in your Shopify store can significantly improve user experience, leading to better SEO results. Breadcrumbs are little navigational aids that show users their current location relative to the site’s pages. They also provide search engines with a clear idea of your site’s structure, making them a great asset for your Shopify SEO. 

3. Optimised URL Structure

Last but not least, your Shopify store’s URL structures should be SEO-friendly. URL structures that incorporate relevant keywords can improve your page’s search visibility. Avoid using auto-generated, lengthy URLs with unnecessary parameters. The cleaner and more straightforward the URL, the better it is for your store’s SEO. 

Shopify SEO Tips #2: Optimise Metadata

Metadata is a few succinct descriptions and titles telling both Google and potential customers what your page is about, and there are some Shopify SEO tips to optimise them: 

Meta titles

Displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result. They are important for usability, SEO, and social sharing and should include relevant keywords and your brand name. 

Meta descriptions

Brief webpage descriptions further elaborate on the content of the meta title. They give potential customers and search engines a snapshot of what to expect from your page. Incorporate your primary keyword here, but also make sure to write it to motivate users to click on your page. 

Shopify SEO Tips #3: Improve the User Experience

As you explore how to improve SEO on your website, it also involves delivering a stellar and seamless user experience (UX) throughout your store. Google loves sites that people love. It’s a one-for-one deal.

Some key features include: 

Mobile-First Approach

A significant chunk of online shoppers prefer shopping on their smartphones. It only makes sense that your Shopify store is optimised for mobile devices. A mobile-first approach will improve your customers’ shopping experience and bode well for your SEO efforts since Google prioritises mobile-friendly websites in its search results. 

Website Speed

Slow-loading websites don’t just frustrate potential customers; they also frustrate Google! A fast-loading Shopify store significantly reduces bounce rates, ensuring that customers stay in your store long enough to make a purchase.

Easy Checkout

When a potential customer spends a few minutes (which, online, feels like hours) browsing through your store, filling up their cart, and finally, they get to the checkout page—only to get confused and leave. An easy, smooth checkout process can significantly lower cart abandonment rates. Plus, it offers a bonus: Google likes websites with lower bounce rates, leading to further SEO position increases.

Shopify SEO Tips #4: Research the Right Target Keywords

Understanding which keywords your audience uses to find products like yours is key to improving your Shopify SEO position. Conducting thorough keyword research offers valuable insights into which phrases and terms you should pepper throughout your website, blog and metadata.

There are several SEO tools out there like Moz, SEMrush or Ahrefs that can assist you in identifying potential keywords. You can also use free options such as Google Trends or Google’s Keyword Planner to get basic insights. 

Shopify SEO Tips #5: Build Links to Your Store

In the world of search engine optimisation, inbound links are like votes of trust from other websites. The more “votes” you have and the more authoritative sites sending the links to you, the more credibility your store gains in the eyes of search engines, leading to higher rankings. 

Not all links hold the same weight, though. Google places a higher value on links from relevant, trustworthy sites. For example, a single link from a well-respected industry blog could be more impactful than a dozen links from less relevant sources. 

Shopify SEO Tips #6: Invest in Content Marketing

Content marketing is an absolutely crucial piece of your SEO puzzle. After all, content is king for a reason. You might wonder, “What does content have to do with Shopify SEO?” Well, let’s break it down.

The more quality content you produce, the higher the chances of that content showing up when someone searches for relevant keywords. Google loves fresh, high-quality content. If you consistently produce, publish and optimise well-written blogs or product descriptions, Google’s algorithm is more likely to rank your Shopify store higher in search results. 

Learn More on How to Improve SEO on Your Shopify Store

If you want to bolster your Shopify SEO campaign, our experts at Digital Eagles are ready to create a personalised strategy to help you increase your position on SERPs. Contact us today to get started.

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